Weave Along Weaving Techniques

Weave Along || Part 2: Spanish Lace Weave

New to the Weave Along?  This is a set of posts that help you learn to weave step-by-step! Find all the Weave Along Steps here.

Weave Along || Part 2: Spanish Lace WeaveIf you missed the first post, find all the Weave Along Steps here. This week we’re going to add two rows of the Spanish Lace Weave. This weave makes a really delicate design with a lot of negative space.  I couldn’t resist adding a fancy font to the title picture because I felt like this weave was getting pretty fancy, haha (pinkies up). Continue Reading

Weave Along Weaving Techniques

Weave Along || Part 1: Double Warp Your Loom

New to the Weave Along?  This is a set of posts that help you learn to weave step-by-step! Find all the Weave Along Steps here.

Weave Along || Part 1: Double Warping Your LoomHey friends! I am going to be trying something new. I’m making a weave along, where you can follow from beginning to end of a weave through several blog posts. I think this might be nice for everyone. For those of you that to follow along, you can weave along each week until we complete the weave together! For those that just want to learn a piece or two, you get to pop in and out as you please. Then at the end I’ll offer a very detailed pattern guide of all the steps, for all of you that want all the steps. I think this will be very fun! Continue Reading

Weaving Techniques

Best Of Weaving Techniques || The Hem Stitch

How to Hem Stitch a WeaveIf you’re looking for a really nice way to finish your weaves, I highly recommend using the hem stitch. The hem stitch is an especially nice way to finish the tops of your weaves that allows them to hang with a clean line. If you use warp loops to hang your weaves, but have noticed that the top row creeps up the warp threads, then you’ll definitely want to try this technique. Continue Reading

Weaving Techniques

Best of Weaving Technique || Pile (Loop) Weave

Tutorial on how to weave loops! If you’ve seen my woven art before, you know I like to use the pile weave from time to time. For those that are new to weaving, the pile weave is woven loops. It’s one of my favorite ways to add texture and dimension to my weaves. I especially love how flexible the loops are. I like to create organic shapes with the loops and add flat weaves next to it to really define the dimensional difference. Continue Reading